Community - Forum for Science Divers

Discussion Forum for Scientific Diving

A ScienceDIVER Initiative

From studying biodiversity and the effects of climate change to excavating and documenting archaeological and historical sites, and from tracing geological layers to planning port projects, diving is an important part of scientific research in the underwater environment.

Scientific diving is now, either directly or indirectly, a recognized scientific activity in many parts of the world and is constantly evolving both on a practical and a theoretical level. For several years now, underwater research has shown impressive scientific results and employs a significant number of people. However, despite the remarkable efforts made by members and organizations of the scientific diving community, there is to date no concrete and commonly accepted framework for its development and operation.

The sepia niche group, as its name suggests, aims to be a multifaceted platform for the development of scientific diving. Through the discussion, the sharing of experience, the sharing of knowledge and opinions, we aim to develop a dynamic that will promote scientific diving in Europe and worldwide.

The official closing of the project ScienceDIVER was marked with the adoption of the Common Declaration for the establishment of a common framework of Scientific Diving in Europe. This webpage provides a forum of discussion on four main topics, being considered as the following steps on the way paved by the ScienceDIVER project:

TOPIC 1. ISO Standards

TOPIC 2: Board for Scientific Diving

TOPIC 3: Training of Scientific Divers

TOPIC 4: EU Directive