ISO Standards
Board for Scientific Diving
Training of Scientific Divers
EU Directive



ISO Standards

  • The adoption of common ISO standards and of a unified training framework in Scientific Diving by international diving organizations and actors related to underwater science, diving regulations and safety, and Blue Economy industry sectors;


Board for Scientific Diving

  • The establishment of a European Board for Scientific Diving as a legal entity, autonomous and acknowledged by organizations and competent bodies across Europe, to promote Scientific Diving at EU policy level and issues related to the professional recognition of scientific divers;


Training of Scientific Divers

  • University departments to play an active role in the training of scientific divers and include training and practice courses in their curricula, so that students and young divers acquire the necessary skills and certification in Scientific Diving;


EU Directive

  • An EU Directive to promote a unified regulation in Scientific Diving across EU to be implemented at national level, which will address training, operational and occupational aspects of Scientific Diving in order to support mobility of scientific divers across Europe in joint international scientific diving research projects; the creation of a Funding Mechanism tosupport scientific divers’skills acquisition, especially for young scientific divers, to have access to underwater equipment, certification and gaining experience.